Problem: Series five phone completely dead after replacing the battery, or upgrading the Eprom when the phone DID work before. (If replaced EProm with new, go to directly to Solution!)

The real problem is usually due to a PROGRAM file download to UPGRADE the phone's CHIP version to a SOFTWARE upgrade. When power is lost, and the battery is replaced, the EEPROM will reload the UPGRADED operational files to ram. If the CHIP version is lower than what the phone was downloaded with, a software conflict occurs. The phone acts like it is completely dead, and not even a default will fix it.

Example: 525 Chip Version, 533PGM Download(RAM). Phone NOW 533, Download 533 Operation Files, BURN Eeprom(8Kb), Burn Only Does Operation Files(4Kb Max) NOT PGM File(32Kb). Power Loss(RAM LOST), Power Restored, Phone Is 525 Now, Eeprom Reloading 533 Operational Files (oops, phone is 525!) Conflict Occurs, Phone Non-Responsive. (Same also when you upgrade the phoned Eprom, old ram values reload when you plug the battery back in.)

A program file is over 33,000 bytes of information, too big for the Eeprom, so it resides in RAM. The Operational Files are usually no bigger than 8k bytes of information. The Eeprom can hold a little over 8k bytes total information, which is the Operation files, and other information. The Phones's TOTAL RAM capacity is a little over 64k bytes, thus the uses more than half of that. The remaining half has the Operational files, Call Counts, Totals, Clock, Diagnostics, and SMDR data. RAM is always lost when power is lost, thus erasing the Program File Upgrade.

Solution: This may seem difficult, only because you are using BOTH hands, a handset in your ear, and the upper upper housing on your chest, BUT, it should fix the phone. First, unplug the battery from the PCM. Now, the difficult part is: You must hold a short on the pins, while listening on the handset, while plugging the battery back in. The phone should now reset and default, and be ready to program again.